You've purchased your dream car, and its perfect in every way. But something is missing, that personal touch is what you need. How about a vanity plate?
I can't give you the car, but we can create the ultimate licence plate.
The Assignment
Create two vanity licence plates.
1. The first plate should be a reflection of your personality. Are you an artist or a cheerleader? have your plate reflect your likes and dislikes. Who are you in 8 or less letters?
Mr. B during the American War for Independence. |
2. Select a famous person and create a licence plate that reflects them.
Hero or Villain? |
- Start by thinking about what message you many want to send to other motorists. Read the dictionary of Custom License Plate Terms to generate ideas for you plate.
- Create an RGB document that is 6x12" in size.
- Place guidelines 1/4 inch from each edge.
- Use the rectangualar markee tool to select the inside rectangle created by the guidelines. Inverse the selection then smooth the selection by 6 pixels. Fill with the color of your choice. Save the selection and use Channel Operations to make the border raised.
- Type out your plate "number/words" in Arial Rounded MT. Scale the text, then rasterize it. Use Channel Operations to make it raised.
- Place an appropriate graphic between your text.
- Place an appropriate background behind the border. Reduce it's opacity so it won't interfere with the text.
- Include the State and or Country/Planet.
- Add a Slogan (ie. I love NY)
Post your two licence plate designs to your blog.
Write about how your plate reflects your personality.
Why did you chose the imagery you used?
Why did you chose a particular famous person?
How does the imagery and text reflect that person.?
My Example:
In my Benidict Arnold plate, I selected an image of the Battle of Saratoga for my background. Most people know that Gates was the commanding general during the battle, but few know that Arnold's actions lead to the American victory. Naturally the location is the "State of Dishonor", Arnold betraying his country by conspiring to give the British plans to West Point.